it’s too loud in here



Lately, I’ve been having a hard time putting my thoughts into words on paper. I think I know why. I’ve been straining my mind, trying too hard to come up with something amazing. I know I’m not the only one, and it’s sad that I feel I need to always have something intricate and brilliant to say when I really, I don’t.


If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’

then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.

Vincent Van Gogh

As a writer and musician, I find it very hard at times to reach into the well of creativity. The world is so full of people who have amazing talents, and most of the time, you end up placing yourself into the whirlwind of competition. In all the commotion, it’s easy to lose true and honest art that is your own. Not only that, the world is moving at a rapid pace, and it’s hard to keep up with all the trends and what gets people hooked.



I have so many ideas, songs and stories that are left unfinished because I don’t believe them to be good enough to ever complete or share. For some things, this is true, but I believe I have limited myself to my creativity because I feel what I come up with will never be good enough. It’s a fear of failure. And within that fear is the prevention of ever succeeding. This I know is true, and it is a struggle I face every day. What’s more, I’m placing more pressure on myself than I need to. What’s the point of doing what you love if you’re not enjoying it anymore?


I have to remind myself that we all have the chance to share our ideas and talents, and the point is to enjoy sharing them. It’s not about who is at the top and how many fans or followers you have. This is about making the most out of what you do. This is about taking your time. Because, nothing good ever happens with rushing your dreams. If you do your thing well, you’ll be rewarded (eventually). You have to be patient.



Sharing is a part of life. This is what I hope to accomplish. And I hope it’s your goal as well. Let go of your fears and just be yourself. Because it doesn’t matter if what you say or do is simple. It doesn’t matter if you don’t think you’re as good as the next person. It doesn’t matter if you never see gold to your name while you’re alive—the gold is already there. It’s deep inside your heart. It’s what drives your passions and inspiration. So you stick to your art, whatever it may be, and I’ll do the same.


Maybe my story is simple. I only want it to be inspiring.

4 thoughts on “it’s too loud in here

  1. it’s sad that I feel I need to always have something intricate and brilliant to say when I really, I don’t. – Spot on, exact same thing for me sometimes, the wretched pull of a voice saying my writing has to be original, when simply it doesnt. Its some sort of perfectionist quirk i am working out of my mindset.

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    1. Yeah. I’m always having to slap myself out of feeling unoriginal. Nothing is ever fully original, we share each other’s ideas whether we want to or not. That is just how life works, everything is constantly being recycled. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make the way we do it unique. :) Thanks for commenting and stopping by!

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